Saturday, April 13, 2013

OK guys!  It is SO beautiful out!  I know you have taken advantage today and at least went outside to move around a bit and marvel at the REAL springtime.  This means its getting close to shorts and bathing suits so why not step outside just one more time everyday this weather is blessed to us and enjoy the last bits of the day with a walk?  Take your pet or your pet husband, boyfriend, or kids.  Recruit a friend and just walk and breath in this cleansing air and FEEL it healing you from the inside out.  Whether it is a fast or slow stroll with weights(or water bottles) in hand or not, it will sooth, heal, burn calories, and BUILD your soul, minds, and bodies!  There are to be lots more days like these ahead, so why not break out the push mower?  You can accomplish your yard WHILE killing calories and this is one workout you don't have to worry about it the back of your mind that you "really didn't" workout today.  Trust me.  This is a winner both ways.  Got your yard mowed today?  Try a jump rope!  Warning-  start slow as this is one of the most powerful fat-blasting exercises known to man and especially if you are a beginner- you WILL feel it!!!  As you advance, however, there are many ways to increase jump roping intensity.  There are speed ropes, ropes with weights, show ropes(to play with foot and arm movement), team roping, and etc.  Jumping rope has always been one of my favorites.  One more idea before I leave it as this-  Want to just sit on your patio and enjoy the evening sunshine with something hot or cold to drink?  Lay a mat or towel down and do 15 regular crunches and 15 side crunches on each side first or concentrate on doing seated knee raises and calf raises while sipping.  Also as always crunch those abs and it won't hurt a bit to squeeze those glutes.  You can also carry your weights out and alternate bicep curls and more!  Happy Spring and Happy Movement!

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