Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ok guys! I promised you more ideas for working out doing our normal day to day activities like shopping. Well, today, we are gonna do dishes! I know- bahumbug. BUT it works! Whether you have a dish washing machine or you ARE the dish washing machine(in which the one handed idea will still be good for putting dishes in the sink and then putting them away), these ideas can give you a GREAT toning workout. First, we are actually going to PROLONG the activity- I know. Go ahead and hate me now, but it will be worth it in two weeks or less. What I mean by prolonging is the fact that we need to actually put the dishes in and out of the machine or sink single handed, BECAUSE we are are going to be switching out the free hand with weights. If you don't have any 1 lb weights, grab a bottle of water to use instead. As you get stronger, you can up the weights gradually. Some may want to start out with at least 3 lbs, but you can go higher and higher. Just doing the dishes this way will automatically start toning, but if you add some simple up and down and in and out movements with these and alternating hands while you put the contents away, you will be automatically creating your own muscle confusion workout. Just do whatever feels good. Don't get to frisky too fast, but don't be too easy on yourself and while concentrating on your workout, the actual chore will fly by. Also, whether you are bending down to put things away in bottom drawers and cabinets or getting things in and out of the washer, you can do squats or simply practice "safe lifting". This is done by NOT bending your back over- very dangerous for your back- instead whenever you are going up or down to lift anything or to just get down to that level for anything, always, harden your abdominal muscles, keep your back straight and bend down and especially lift with your LEGS. Concentrate very hard on your abs and legs and keeping your back straight and you will be surprised by the toned lines you'll see start creeping up on your thighs and abs. Oh and music ALWAYS helps time and not loved as much activities like "chores" go by quicker for me and it inspires me to intensify and really make ANY workout go good if it happens to be a convenient option. Try it, and if you don't hate me, maybe we'll VACUUM tomorrow!!! Happy Movement!!!

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